Prospective Athlete FAQs

What is MIT Wrestling?

MIT Wrestling is the wrestling club at MIT. We mainly practice folkstyle/collegiate-style wrestling, but we sometimes do a bit of freestyle as well. We have weekend competitions at various dates throughout November to April.

Depending on the time of year, practices are generally from 5:30-7:00 PM on weeknights in the DuPont Wrestling Room (see the “Schedule” page for more up-to-date information). We also sometimes have “open mats” nights where wrestlers can come in and practice in a more free-form way without a coach’s structured practice schedule.

How can I join the MIT Wrestling team?

Our room is open to all members of the MIT community interested in wrestling! Anyone in the MIT community with access to MIT’s athletic facilities can join our practices; feel free to walk in on a practice if you’d like to try it out.

In terms of competition, our club team is part of the NCWA (National Collegiate Wrestling Association), and so a competing athlete must be a full-time student with at least a 2.0 GPA with fewer than 4 years of competing on university wrestling competitions (full eligibility rules are under section 2 of this document). However, competing is not a requirement to be on the team.

How can I get recruited for MIT Wrestling?

Because wrestling is currently a club (not varsity) sport at MIT, our coaches do not have any sway on admissions/recruitment. The best things for a prospective student to do if looking to join the MIT Wrestling team are excelling in academics, pursuing their passions, and putting forth a strong application to MIT when the time comes. See the MIT Admissions site for more information.

If you want to get in touch with MIT Wrestling coaches and officers, you can fill out this form. While we do appreciate communication via email and social media (Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter), outreach through these channels is harder to keep track of and usually reserved for very specific questions.

What is the level of commitment required of MIT wrestlers?

We currently do not have hard-cut rules on the level of commitment required for membership because we understand the the daily lives of MIT students can be busy and variable.

We mainly emphasize this: what you put into it is what you get out of it.

Anyone is welcome to join in on an MIT wrestling practice when they are available. If looking to compete, we ask that you consider this when deciding on your level of commitment and make an effort to come to as much as you can make. Anyone willing to put in the work can attain success.

I might be interested in joining the team. What can I do to learn more?

Besides the information on this website, the best way to learn more about us and what we do is to come into the wrestling room during practice. We are happy to take in anyone new and looking to try it out.

If you have specific questions, you can always email

For live updates on the current wrestling season, check out the rest of this site or our social media accounts on Instagram (, Facebook (, and Twitter (

Does joining the wrestling team count for PE credit?

Currently, club sports at MIT do not count for credit. However, Coach McNeil will teach wrestling PE classes in Q4 of 2024, and taking those classes will count for PE credit.